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Community Involvement

The women and men of the 5th Judicial District (DA5) are proud to serve, and live in the communities we work hard to protect.  From the Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement Board (V.A.L.E.), to the Charitable Contributions Fund (CCF) that serves victims and those impacted by crimes, the DA5 Team is committed to helping those who need help the most! 

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  • Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)



V.A.L.E. funds are granted to victim assistance services that help persons residing in or have been victimized in the 5th Judicial District (Clear Creek, Eagle, Lake and Summit Counties). 

V.A.L.E. funds are obtained through the surcharges assessed by the criminal courts, thus it varies each year for funding level.  For 2022, the V.A.L.E. Board awarded a total of $331,000 to 10 programs:  Lake County Advocates, Bright Future Foundation, Catholic Charities, Clear Creek Advocates, District Attorney's Office, Eagle County Sheriff's Office, Northwest Legal Services, River Bridge Regional Center, Summit County Advocates, and Treetop Child Advocacy Ceneter. 

PRIORITY CATEGORIES: The 5th Judicial District V.A.L.E. Board will give priority funding consideration to victim services and law enforcement programs which:

1) Are required to provide victim services for the implementation of the right afforded to crime victims pursuant to C.R.S. § 24-4.1-302.5;

2) Provide services or programs delineated in C.R.S. § 24-4.1-303 and 304, and C.R.S. § 24-4.2-105(4) related to all crimes as defined by C.R.S. § 24-4.1-302(1);

3) Provide direct services to victims of crime;

4) Have demonstrated an effective response to victim needs;

5) Do not duplicate services;

6) Provide for unmet victim needs in the 5th Judicial District; and

7) Are currently receiving 5th Judicial District V.A.L.E. Grant funds.


• The V.A.L.E. Board accepts and will consider grant applications for new programs.  (SEE Request For Proposal Here)  (See Project Budget Form Here)

• The V.A.L.E. Board may award money for projects not designated in the priority categories.

• The V.A.L.E. Board may utilize factors other than those stated above in the making of funding decisions.

• The V.A.L.E. Board will accept applications for interim funding specifically for the purpose of training and for smaller projects that have not been previously requested or funded throughout the current funding cycle. A separate application for interim funding is required and is available year round and may be requested from the V.A.L.E. Administrator.

• The fact that an applicant meets eligibility requirements and applies for services within a priority category does not guarantee funding.

• The fact that an applicant is currently receiving, or has in the past received grant funds does not guarantee funding.

• Copies of the state statutes related to these funds are available on the Colorado State Government web page: Click on Government, then Colorado Constitution and Statutes, then Colorado Revised Statutes C.R.S.  Printed copies are available upon request from the VALE Administrator.

APPLICATION TIMETABLE  (Funding cycle Jan. 1, 2025 through Dec. 31, 2025).

August 2024:    Request for Proposals sent out to prospective applicants.

August 22, 2024, 11:30am-1pm--Meeting with VALE Board (mandatory for potential applicants).

Sept. 27, 2024: Grant Application Submission Deadline 5:00p.m. via email only.

Oct. 17, 2024:   VALE Board funding meeting.

Nov. 7, 2024:  Grant Reconsideration Meeting.

Wendi Rowles
Office of the District Attorney
(970) 390-0150

RECONSIDERATION REQUESTS: The V.A.L.E. Board reserves the right to deny any or all proposals, or to deny any portion of a proposal if it is determined to be in the best interest of the 5th Judicial District to do so. All applicants who have been denied funding in whole have a right to request reconsideration of the V.A.L.E. Board’s decision. The applicant must demonstrate that additional information is available or a change in circumstances has occurred since the time of the V.A.L.E. Board’s original funding decision. NOTICE OF A RECONSIDERATION REQUEST MUST BE IN WRITING AND MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE BOARD WITHIN 10 DAYS OF THE DATE OF THE NOTIFICATION OF FUNDING DENIAL OR REDUCTION. Requests for reconsideration will be heard at a special meeting of the Board.  Written notification of the V.A.L.E. Board’s funding decisions will be mailed to the grant applicant within ten (10) working days after a final determination has been made.

Charitable Contributions Fund

5th Judicial District Now Accepting Applications for Charitable Contributions Fund,

$41,319.74 in Grants were donated to 11 Local Non-Profits in 2021

If your organization is interested in becoming a DA5 Charitable Contributions Fund partner, please contact Wendi Rowles, 

The goal of the DA5 Charitable Contributions Fund (“CCF”) is to help provide assistance to non-profit organizations in Eagle, Summit, Lake and Clear Creek counties, that offer goods or services, which have been shown to:

1. Help prevent crimes or criminal activity; or,
2. Provide assistance to victims of crimes or criminal activity.

The “CCF” was created for the purpose of providing assistance not across a broad spectrum of focus areas, but rather areas that are directly affected by criminal activity and the prosecution of crimes always for the purpose of seeking justice for individuals and for our communities.  Our mission is to help improve the lives of the residents of the 5th Judicial District by preventing crimes from happening, and offering assistance to those who are the victims of crimes.

Defendants donating to the fund are usually persons who have a traffic offense (not including an alcohol/drug related offense) pending that occurred during a period where their driver’s license would have a separate period of suspension imposed by the DMV upon this conviction, but can avoid suspension of their driving privilege by a contribution (or performing community service) and persons who elect to enter a plea of guilty by mail, without the necessity of appearing in Court, with the DA’s office processing the paperwork for them.

For more information about the CCF, go to the 'Charitable Contributions Fund' page. 

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