PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes 24-6-402 that on the date, at the time, and in the location that follows the Crime Victim Compensation monthly and annual meeting will be held. The 5th Judicial District includes Clear Creek, Lake, Eagle, and Summit counties. Please direct all inquiries to: Christine Watson, CVC Administrator, District Attorney’s Office, P.O. Box 295, Eagle, CO 81631, telephone (970) 337-3706.
Date of Meeting March 18, 2025
Time of Meeting: 9:00 a.m. MST
Location of Meeting: Office of the District Attorney,
Fifth Judicial District
VIA Zoom Conference
I certify that I posted this notice on Fifth Judicial District, District Attorney’s Website at
Christine Watson, CVC Administrator
To request a copy of the Zoom Link or Victim Compensation Policies and Procedures, Bylaws and /or the Standards for the Administration of the Victim Compensation Programs, please contact Christine Watson, CVC Administrator,, P.O. Box 295, Eagle, CO 81631, 970-337-3706. All meetings are subject to change. Please contact the CVC Administrator to confirm the monthly meeting.
All persons attending CVC Board meetings are required to comply with security screening procedures as directed and provide their full name to be included in the meeting minutes. To ensure an equitable and fair process for all CVC applicants, and preserve CVC claim confidentiality pursuant to C.R.S. 24-4.1-107.5, persons attending the CVC meetings may not address the CVC Board during the meetings. If there is a matter you wish the CVC Board to consider, please outline the request in writing and submit it no later than five days prior to a scheduled CVC Board meeting to the CVC Administrator. Requests may be deferred to the next scheduled monthly meeting if not submitted in a timely manner.
The members of the 5th Judicial District CVC Board, upon affirmative vote of two thirds of the quorum present, may hold an executive session pursuant to the Colorado Open Meeting Law (C.R.S. 24-6-402(4) et seq.) and CVC Bylaws.
To report a Standards violation, please contact the Division of Criminal Justice 700 Kipling Street, Suite 1000, Denver, CO 80215 or by phone at 303-239-4493 or 1-888-282-1080 (toll free).