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Man Who Killed Co-Worker in 2019 Sentenced to 14 Years in Prison
Dillon Man Sentenced for Sexual Assault of Daughter
Do YOU qualify?
Former Lake County Coroner Sentenced to 180 Days Jail in Child Cremation Case
Local Construction Company Owner Pleads Guilty in Fatal Employee Accident--Sentencing is Nov. 9th at 10am!
Man Arrested for Threats Against Summit School District Teachers and Staff--Next Court Date 10/9 @ 9am
‘Sexually Violent Predator’ Sentenced 4 Years to Life in Prison
Sexual Predator Sentenced to 10 Years Prison
Colorado First in Nation to Move Toward Statewide Use of Data to
Improve the Fairness and Effectiveness of the Criminal Justice System
Leadville Man Sentenced to 36 Years Prison for Murdering Girlfriend
DA Attends NBPA Conference & Job Fair in Houston, Tx.
Leadville Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for Murdering Uncle
Fifth Judicial District Attorney Heidi McCollum to donate a kidney to retired Eagle Valley High teacher Dave Scott
"I believe in a community based on trust and respect, where everyone feels safe. I want to see a better tomorrow, where we protect our vulnerable, heal our neighbors, and hold offenders accountable.” –District Attorney Heidi McCollum--