5th Judicial District V.A.L.E.
Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement
P.O. Box 295, Eagle, Colorado 81631 • (970) 390-0150 FAX (970) 328-1016
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes 24-6-402 that on the date, at the time, and in the location that follows the Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement board meeting will be held. Please refer to the attached agenda for specific information concerning the business to be conducted. Please direct all inquiries to: V.A.L.E. Board Administrator, District Attorney’s Office, P.O. Box 295, Eagle, CO 81631, telephone (970) 390-0150
Date of Meeting: March 27, 2025
Time of Meeting: 8:30 a.m.
Location of Meeting: Zoom Meeting
I certify that this notice was posted with an attached agenda on the DA5 website.
Agenda includes annual meeting matters, quarterly report review, possible new board member, any new business.
_____Wendi Rowles______________________________________
V.A.L.E. Board Administrator
*This is the scheduled time of adjournment. The board will continue meeting later than this anticipated adjournment if the business conducted at the meeting requires the board to meet longer and will adjourn earlier if the business of the Board is concluded sooner than expected. If you wish to participate in any meeting, please contact Wendi Rowles by email at wrowles@da5.us or by phone at 970-337-3729 for access to the meeting.
To request a copy of the Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement Policies and Procedures, Bylaws, and meeting minutes please contact Wendi Rowles in writing at The Office of the District Attorney, P.O. Box 295, Eagle, CO 81631; by email at wrowles@da5.us or by phone at (970) 337-3729
To file a report alleging a violation of the State Victim Assistance and Law Enforcement Standards, please contact:
Division of Criminal Justice Office for Victims Programs 700 Kipling St., Ste 1000 Denver, CO 80215 303-239-5719 303-239-5743 Fax 1-888-282-1080 Toll free (outside the Denver Metro area)